Tuesday, December 1, 2009


1.Zip code's speed added

0. Response
1. Postical
2. Introduction
3. Correspondence
4. Briefing
5. Geographical
6. Namely
7. Optical
8. Substation
9. Namely
10. Economise

Zip code’s volume was become larger than its speed added. Zip code has five numbers after address. The first number designates geographical area. The next two numbers designate metropolitan area or section centre. Final two numbers designate small town which mail is distributed.

2.O ld fashion
1. Of
2. By
3. For
4. It
5. To
6. But
7. Already
8. 1
9. Old
10. If
11. 2
12. Bad
13. Be
14. The
15. One
16. In
Modern women want to this old – fashion. But mums already use it in the kitchen. When they are cooking. They not know old – fashion. This old fashion clothes suit for teenagers. Anyone should make this clothes’ pleat when sew it. So you will look natural beatify.

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